Americanism Elementary School Poster Contest
The Americanism Poster Contest is sponsored by the Sons of the American Revolution and is intended to stimulate interest in American History in support of the elementary school curriculum. The contest is designed to let the students express, through pictures and words, what they have learned about a participant in the American Revolution. More information is available at the National SAR site.
This year’s theme is “any event that occurred during the
American Revolution.”
Some suggestions include but are not limited to,
the Declaration of Independence, the occupation of
Philadelphia during the Winter of 1777-78, the Winter
encampment of the Continental Army at Valley Forge..
It is our hope that the teacher would select one
of these subjects to be studied as part of
the classes’ American History lessons.
Each student could then develop their poster
based on what they learned, adding comments on the
The contest is directed at students in the 3rd, 4th, or 5th grades, including ecumenical and home-schooled students. We have found that because the Declaration of Independence is often part of a 7th grade student's curriculum, it is easiest for a teacher to include in the lower grade course of study, because a lesson plan already exists.
The contest is also open to members of the Cub Scouts
and Brownies and C.A.R. (Children of the American
Revolution) who are in the same grades but whose school
system may not be participating in the contest.
Posters rules
Students are encouraged to discuss plans for their
posters, but the final poster must be the work of a
single student not a group;
The final poster must be standard poster size (22” x 28"
to 24” x 36");
The artwork must be original and not copies of another
artist or published work (no clip art);
Computer printed text CAN be used and pasted to the
poster, but the hand lettered poster often shows more of
the student's artistic abilities. The wording on
the poster must be the students;
All entries must have the following information on the
back of the poster (the front of the poster must not be signed or labeled):
b. School/Troop data: Name of Teacher/Scout
Leader, Name of School/Organization.
Posters will be judged on the following criteria:
Does the poster express the annual theme?
Does the poster show originality by the student?
Does the poster show evidence of research?
Does the poster show artistic merit and creativity?
Does the poster accurately reflect the individuals
Is the poster neat and visually pleasing?
Awards may be
given on each of three levels:
• Each local school or group may be awarded a prize by the local Chapter to their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Each of the Chapter 1st place winners will be forwarded to the State level competition;
• The State Society will select their winners, and award 1st place $250.00, 2nd place $150.00 and 3rd place $100.00. The 1st place winner at the State level will compete at the National level.
The National Prize & Awards are:
1st Place - $200, 2nd Place - $150, 3rd Place:
Submission of a poster to the contest:
Submission of Posters for this year’s contest must be completed by April 19, 2024.
• If you were contacted by a particular SAR Chapter, please contact that person for any questions or for poster pick-up.
You can contact the Poster Chairman, George M. Clarke, at
or call (484) 410-4436
when the poster is completed, and arrangements
will be made to pick it/them up.